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Reck Club is made up of 55 Georgia Tech Students. While we come from a variety of different backgrounds and majors, we all share a common love of Georgia Tech and its traditions, sports and history. Reck Club is also a tight-knit group where you can build life-long friendships.

Reck Club supports all of Georgia Tech Athletics and traditions. Tech spirit is alive and well in the heart of every Reck Club member. Whether we are filling the bleachers in O’Keefe for a volleyball game, washing the Reck for gameday, or sorting runner bibs for the Freshman Cake Race, Reck Club is always there for Georgia Tech.

Reck Club is committed to promoting the many traditions that Georgia Tech boasts. Our pride and joy is the 1930 Ford Model A Sport Coupe, which has led the football team onto Grant Field in every game since 1961. Some of the other traditions that we still keep and manage are the Ramblin’ Wreck Parade, the Mini 500, the Freshman Cake Race, and Traditions Night.

Since 1930, the club's mission has been to spread joy and spirit to all who call themselves Ramblin’ Wrecks from Georgia Tech. Our diverse club makes for diverse alumni as well. When you join the Reck Club family, you become a part of a greater network of Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets and can write your own chapter in our club's rich history.

The Ramblin’ Reck Club Membership Recruitment starts first thing in the spring semester. RECKruitment 2024 kicks off on Monday, January 1st with the launch of our application. Information can be found here! Please contact our RECKruitment Chair at membershipchair@reckclub.org if you have any questions about the recruitment process, becoming a member, or just want to know more about our organization! Go Jackets and To Hell With georgia!

© 2025 Ramblin' Reck Club. Salute! We miss Juniors. Ian Lunn for the parallax plugin. Find out more info about Reck Club here. THWG LIFE.